Housing group

week from broom park

Welcome to the Housing Task Group pages. This page contains links to the evidence that could be used in writing housing policy as well as information about what the group is doing. Minutes and reports are on the sub page.

The latest version of the Design Guide December 2019 is on the evidence page and it still needs a considerable amount of work.  The emergence of the National Design Guidelines could mean that a local design guide is needed which builds on this. The National Design Guidelines are currently advisory and do not let planners or developers know what is needed. Ideally an assessment of the character of different areas in the parish should be carried out and this then should inform design principles. If you’re interested in helping with this, contact Kate on dartingtonnp@gmail.com

Design guide v7

The Housing Group’s main piece of evidence gathering in 2016 was the Parish Housing Needs Survey which was delivered to each household in the parish – the survey closed on May 12th 2016. The analysis of the results has been drawn up by Devon Communities Together and is here:
Dartington Housing Needs Report 2016


Re the Plan and writing it, the draft version of the vision and objectives for the housing group are here Housing Group Vision and objectives for June 27th  and here, following consultation/discussion are the Housing Group Vision and Objectives 26th August

This draft of the design guide has been superseded (see above) but it’s useful to see the thinking. It built on previous work and following consultation on April 17th 2016 was discussed at the April 25th Steering Group: Dartington NP Design Guide draft

April 17th 2016 housing group consultation results are here:Housing April 17th feedback design questions

Self explanatory SHDC document traditional-farm-buildings-in-the-s-hams-guide

Here are the proposed Vision and Objectives:Housing Group Vision and Objectives 26th August

The  housing group ToR are below

  • Below is a link to the How Many Homes website which in their own words “has been set up by a group of professional bodies, trade associations and charities with an interest in planning for housing. The Group came together in 2011 in response to a call from practitioners for practical support in assessing how many homes were needed in their areas in the context of the new housing and planning landscape”. The site contains lots of information.
  • http://www.howmanyhomes.org/
  • The census is a useful tool for drilling down into information and you can fnd things relating to quite specific areas – search using a Dartington postcode. Since the last census was in 2011 it’s relatively recent information.  Here’s a link to the Office of National Statistics (ONS) website:
  • http://www.neighbourhood.statistics.gov.uk/dissemination/

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